Q. I don't understand my bill.
A. Understanding Your Bill will assist you in further understanding your bill. If additional questions should arise, please contact our Customer Service Representatives at (207) 985-3311.
Q. I am moving into the District. How do I start service?
A. Start Service - Select the type of service you need to initiate, complete and submit the form.
Q. I just lost power, what should I do?
A. Knowing that electric service has been lost is important to us. Click on Emergency Information and contact us immediately. The Power Outages tab gives our customers up-to-the-minute information on any outages within the District.
Q. I am having trouble paying my bill; what should I do?
A. Kennebunk Light & Power District will work with you to arrange a payment plan that will allow you to make reasonable minimal payments toward your outstanding balance while permitting you the ability to stay current with your monthly billings. Please contact us for further information. There are organizations that may be able to assist you if you fall within their specified qualifications. Please refer to Helpful Links for a list of organizations that may be of further help.