GIS Mapping
Kennebunk Light & Power District, in collaboration with the Town of Kennebunk, Kennebunk Sewer Department and Kennebunk, Kennebunkport & Wells Water District, would like to welcome you to their integrated GIS application. The data available from the four entities has been correlated into one application for ease of use. This application is supported by Corson GIS and is available on the websites of all entities involved with the project. The information is uniformed to reflect similarly on all websites.
The integrated GIS application is intended for informational data gathering and preliminary planning purposes only. Customers must contact KLPD prior to the completion of any documents or the commencement of any construction.
The integrated GIS application may be reviewed and updated periodically. The user should contact the applicable entity for the most current and official record that is sought. KLPD makes no guarantee in regard to the accuracy or completeness of the data and assumes no liability associated with its use.
Please note that Google Chrome and Firefox are the preferred web browsers for the integrated GIS application.
Please click here or on the icon above to take you to KLPD’s shared GIS portal.