Tree Maintenance Program

In December of 2017, Asplundh Tree Expert Co. was awarded the contract to trim and maintain vegetative growth in KLPD’s territory. Asplundh has been in the vegetation management business since 1928, and serves several utilities in New England and nationwide.

Asplundh has a proven track record of safety, innovation and success in the utility vegetation management industry. KLPD decided to partner with Asplundh for many reasons: safety record, proven methods, industry innovations and company beliefs as well as Asplundh’s attention to detail. Of the three contractors that responded to KLPD’s request for proposals, Asplundh was the most thorough and provided the most insight into the unique challenges faced by KLPD. They were also the bidder with the lowest cost per mile and per year, which will be a win win for KLPD and its customers.

All Asplundh employees will have easily identifiable vehicles and work gear. Asplundh will handle all communications in a professional and respectful manner, and will report back to KLPD on a daily basis regarding the progress of those notifications. KLPD asks that questions and concerns be directed to Asplundh and their tree service professionals.

Beginning in January of 2021 Asplundh will be working in the following area:  Cat Mousam Road including all side roads; Route 99, within KLPD's territorial limits, including all side roads; Alfred Road including all side roads; Thompson Road including all side roads; Weber Hill Road including all side roads; Downing Road, within KLPD's territorial limits, including all side roads.
Asplundh’s employees are committed to safe and professional service to KLPD’s customers. Do not hesitate to contact their local representatives and tree professionals once you receive notification should you have any questions or concerns. KLPD will be working closely with our Asplundh contacts to ensure that the goal of increased safety and reliability are attained via this working relationship.

KLPD customers are asked to stay tuned to our website for ongoing updates. For regular updates on Asplundh’s progress and work zones, please sign up for email alerts under the Tree Maintenance Program tab at www.klpd.org . Thank you all for your attention to this matter.