New Construction - Commercial Service

By completing this form to initiate New Construction - Commercial Service, the customer understands that during the District's service to the customer, the District shall have the right of access to this and subsequent premises of the customer and to all property furnished and installed by the District at all reasonable times for which service is furnished to the customer, and upon termination, for the purpose of reading meters, or inspection and repair of apparatus used in connection with its energy, or removing its property, or for any other purposes.
An approved meter enclosure will be determined by KLPD.  No ring-style meter enclosure will be allowed.

It is also understood that the customer must maintain a three (3) foot clearance around any meter(s) or transformer(s) installation location on the customer's building or property. No obstruction(s) of any kind may be temporarily or permanently installed around these devices within this clearance.

You will be notified of the meter deposit that will be required prior to the installation of service.

Please allow up to 48 hours after completion of this form for your request to be processed.
Will you be renting or owning? *

Elements *

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* - denotes required field